Keenz DUO - The Dynamic Dual-Purpose Stroller Wagon for the Active Family

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Buying A Stroller Wagon vs. Double Stroller

black Keenz stroller wagon carrying two kids at the zoo

Some of the biggest parenting decisions you will make have nothing to do with saving for college or making sure they eat their vegetables. Figuring out how to get the little ones from point A to point B safely without straining a muscle or sacrificing your sanity is right up there with one of the most important decisions ever!

The first big transition comes when a baby carrier is no longer a reasonable option. Your little one is growing fast, and your muscles need a break. You move to a stroller, but as soon as the second baby comes along, you need more space.

You’ve arrived at another big parenting decision: stroller wagon vs double stroller. Which is best? Should I be using a wagon instead of stroller?

You may even come to this dilemma with your first child because there are so many perks to using a wagon instead of stroller. If you haven’t considered the option or are on the fence, we have some tips that can help you make the right choice for your family.

What Is A Stroller Wagon?

A stroller wagon is a durable wagon designed to work much like a stroller. They come fitted with safety harnesses, secure seating, and even trays for snacks and sippy cups/bottles. Instead of stacking two small seats back-to-back or side-by-side like a double stroller, stroller wagons offer roomy seats surrounded by tall sides that hold children, toys, and even pets in securely!

The most popular options are 2-passenger stroller wagons that allow children to ride facing one another with a snack and drink tray in the center. The best designs offer everything you might expect from a double stroller, including:

·                Storage space

·                Drink and phone holders for parents

·                Durable wheels

·                Canopy

·                Lightweight yet durable frame

·                Adjustable seat positioning

Stroller Wagon vs Double Stroller – What’s The Difference?

The wagon vs double stroller debate often comes down to a preference for one design over the other. Stroller wagons are more elongated and may seem bulkier, but most are easy to push or pull, even with two children on board with a few items in storage. They typically have all-terrain wheels that will go over rocks, uneven sidewalks, and other difficult terrains much easier than a heavy double stroller would be able to.

While double strollers often have open space on the bottom for diaper bags and other items, you can get far more storage by choosing the right stroller wagon. The tall sides of a wagon are also a big difference, and many parents enjoy the sense of security that they offer for their children.

You may even end up with some perks if you select your stroller wagon wisely. For instance, Keenz stroller wagons offer side curtains for heightened privacy for diaper changes which also quiets the surrounding environment for nap times on the go. The curtains create an enclosed space that is hard to replicate with a double stroller.

Benefits Of Using A Wagon Instead Of Stroller Options On The Market

Stroller wagons give children a secure place to stretch their legs, enjoy a snack, and view the world around them with a sense of safety. They have tall sides that keep little arms and toys inside while giving parents peace of mind as little one's wiggle and squirm on afternoon walks or trips to the beach.

Those rugged all-terrain wheels on the best stroller wagons are your best bet for sand. When you purchase a 2-passenger stroller wagon like theOriginal Keenz 7S 2.0, you have the option to push or pull. That allows you to easily pull the stroller over difficult landscapes that are impossible for most bulky double strollers to tackle.

Some of the biggest advantages of using a wagon instead of stroller models are the practicality and extended use of stroller wagons. When your children outgrow a double stroller, there isn’t much you can do but sell it or give it to another family. The upside of using a stroller wagon is that you can continue using your stroller wagon for years to come. You can use it for pets, heavy groceries, beach toys, chairs, and coolers while on vacation. The options are endless!

Finally, a wagon with a great canopy system will outperform a double stroller when it comes to diaper changes and naps away from home. You can create a more secure enclosure that provides privacy that doesn’t come with most strollers. If your children are easily overstimulated, you may find a basic stroller canopy inadequate to meet their needs when your family is on vacation or spends the day having fun around town.

Do You Need A Double Stroller AndA Wagon?

There are clear benefits to purchasing a wagon, but some families also see great value in a double stroller. They’re both useful in a variety of situations that many families encounter on a routine basis. That’s why you may consider adding a stroller wagon even if you have already purchased a double stroller.

You can use the wagon for street festivals, vacations, long walks in the park, and other situations that require little ones to remain out and about for longer periods of time. Your double stroller may not be able to adequately secure your children during certain events where they may want better visibility or room.

The Stroller Wagon That Has It All

Parenting requires a lot of tools, and there is a place in many families for a variety of child transportation options. When determining where you stand with the wagon vs double stroller debate, think about the places your family often visits, the vacations you want to take, and the landscapes you may encounter when exploring the world with your children.

For most families, a durable stroller wagon will check all the boxes plus create a few boxes they didn’t know were needed! If you want to purchase a durable, safe stroller that you can continue using after your children are walking independently, you can’t beat a Keenz stroller wagon. Keenz has multiple designs to ensure every family finds the perfect fit for their unique needs. If you’re interested in learning more about Keenz and our stroller wagon models, take a look at our varied models today!